What is design

From Designing Interactions , Moggridge, 2007,p. 648

The most definitive description of design that I have encountered is a dialogue between Charles Eames and Madame Amic

Q. What is your definition of design?
A plan for arranging elements in such a way to best accomplish a particular purpose.

Q. Is design an expression of art (an art form?)
The design is an expression of the purpose – it may if it is good enough later be judged as art.

Q. Is design a craft for industrial purposes?
A. No – but design may be a solution to some industrial problems.

Q. What are the boundaries of design?
A. What are the boundaries of problems.

Q. Does the creation of design admit constraints
A. Design depends largely on constraints.

Q. What constraints?
A. The sum of all the constraints.  Here is one of the few effective keys to the design problem – the ability of the designer to recognise as many of the constraints as possible – his willingness and enthusiasm for working within these constraints – the constraints of price, of size, of strength, balance, of surface, or time etc – each problem has its own peculiar list.

Constraints are the key to understanding design (Moggridge, p. 685)

Do you agree with Moggridge and Charles Eames? Did you consider constraints as part of your ideas

Compare your ideas with the rest of your group.