<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><img class="mainImage" src="pathC.jpg" style="float: none">\n\n<<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>In your excitement for the new adventure, you update your Facebook status to let your friends know that you will be out of touch for some time while you swan around the GBR. \n\nMeanwhile, you have forgotten that a colleage is one of your facebook friends, and your status update has made its way back to your boss.\n\nShe phones you and asks you to reconsider your plans, or your job.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path C1]][[You apologise profusely for your lack of work ethic and promise that it will never happen again ...|Path C1]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path C2]][[You don't wish to apologise or make up for your mistake ...|Path C2]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<set $budget = 15>>\n<<set $showBudget = "true">>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>Your boss is happy to accommodate you in a meeting later this afternoon and in fact is very pleased that you have taken the initiative to seek further clarification about the task.\n\nLater, you have a very productive meeting with her, in particular, negotiating a budget of $15K, and a timeline for completion of three weeks.\n\nNow that you know how much money you can spend, you can start to plan your data acquisition.\n\n<img class="mainImage" src="pathB.jpg" style="float: none">\n\n<div><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="position: relative; left:0px">[img[ok.png][Path B1]][[You would like to check out your options regarding field data collection ...|Path B1]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>\n\n
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>Keiko answers the phone and is extremely helpful.\n\nShe reminds you that you will always face a trade-off between the area that you can cover with an image, and the amount of detail that you can see.\n\nThis is related to the spatial dimensions and resolution of the sensor. \n\n<img class="mainImage" src="good-landsat.jpg" style="float: none">\n\n\nShe asks you first to consider which is more important for your application?\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A1]]\n[[Large area coverage?|Path A1]]</div>\n \n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A2]][[High spatial detail?|Path A2]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>Keiko recommends that you contact an aerial survey company, as satellite sensors with high spatial resolution are not usually accompanied by high spectral resolution.\n\nYou follow her advice, and obtain an approximate quote from a company at $80K.\n\n<img class="mainImage" src="pathA21.jpg" style="float: none">\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A113]][[You decide that this is prohibitively expensive and choose to re-evaluate your image options ...|Path A113]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A211]][[You book in with the company to conduct the survey as soon as possible and ask them to send their invoice when complete - Cost $80K|Path A211]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<set $hasSpectral = "true">>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img id="location" class="mainImage" src="reefsigs.png" style="float: none">\n\nYou suddenly remember visiting the GBRMPA aquaria as part of your induction training and that there were several ongoing experiments with bleached corals that you could potentially work with. \n\nYou call the scientists involved and ask if they mind you using the field spectrometer to obtain some spectral signatures of the corals. They are happy to assist, so you commence collecting a spectral library of bleached and non-bleached corals. By the end of the day you have developed a considerable library for further analysis.\n\nYou can clearly see the spectral difference between bleached and non-bleached corals as the bleached corals are more reflective in the visible region of the spectrum.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path B121]][[Given this knowledge, you believe that with the right imagery, you will be able to create some maps based on your spectral analysis without going into the field ...|Path B121]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path B122]][[You would still like to go into the field ...|Path B122]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>Your boss is impressed with your initial findings. She appreciates your effort to incorporate the field spectrometry. She suggests for next time it would be a good idea to include some water column modelling so that you can extend the applicability of your findings to deeper water. This is definitely an avenue for a future project for you.\n\nWell done <<print $name>>!\n\nThank you for reading our remote sensing fable. We hope that you enjoyed it!\n\nPlease take the time to provide us with some valuable <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1G3-Q2KzBfn9aFcLqUfO4zCU6z9PKI7iC6p_ySGxRax8/viewform" style="color:#00FFFF; text-decoration:underline;">feedback</a>.\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $hasGPS = "false">>\n<<set $help = "none">>\n<<set $hasImagery = "false">>\n<<set $hasSpectral = "false">>\n<<set $beenField = "false">>\n<<set $budget = "?">>\n<<set $spent = 0>>\n<<set $clicks = 0>>\n<<set $paths = [passage()]>>\n<<set $name = "Bob">>\n<<set $showBudget = "false">>\n<<endnobr>><img class="mainImage" src="intro.jpg" style="float: none"><img class="mainImage2" src="introSML.jpg" style="float: none">\n<img id="arrow" src="arrow.png"> [[Begin |Intro 2]]\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<set $help = "field">>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage fr" src="pathA2212.jpg" style="float: right; margin-left:10px;">As you are not certain of what the actual features are in the image, you consider it best to perform an unsupervised classifiction.\n\nThe image processing software does all the work for you, and it’s very easy to create a simple map of a number of classes that you then guess how to name.\n\nYou create your final map well ahead of time, and write your report accordingly.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A22121]][[Considering yourself particularly efficient, you decide to spend some time at the beach ...|Path A22121]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A22122]][[Anxious to get feedback from your boss, you send her your report immediately ...|Path A22122]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage fr" src="pathB11.jpg" style="float: right; margin-left: 10px"><<if $hasSpectral eq "false">>As there is no way that you would be able to take the field spectrometer out on the reef and get it returned within three days, you decide to leave it behind.\n\nInstead, you take a range of field survey tools and commence planning your data acquisition routine.<<endif>>\n<<if $hasSpectral eq "true">>You take a range of field survey tools and commence planning your data acquisition routine.<<endif>>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path B1221]][[You put in place a plan to do some detailed quadrat based surveys, and choose their locations randomly.\n-Cost: $10K|Path B1221]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path B12212]][[You plan to do some long ranging transects that rapidly cover large\nareas of the reef.\n-Cost: $10K|Path B12212]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>\n<<set $spent += 10>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>Keiko has suggested that you have a few different options in this area, though all are very similar. They include Ikonos, GeoEye, Quickbird, and Worldview-2.\n\nHowever, most recent image was captured two months ago and costs $5K.\n\nYou could also schedule a satellite to capture a new image for you, but it will cost about three times the amount of the archived image from two months ago.\n\n<img class="mainImage" src="pathA22.jpg" style="float: none">\n\n<<nobr>><<if $beenField eq "true">>\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[ok.png][Path A223]][[Order the archived image and get to work on it right away \n- Cost: 5K|Path A223]]</div>\n<<endif>><<endnobr>><<nobr>><<if $beenField eq "false">>\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A224]][[Order the archived image and get to work on it right away \n- Cost: 5K|Path A224]]</div>\n<<endif>><<endnobr>>\n<<if $beenField eq "false">>\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A221]][[Schedule a new capture to happen within the next two weeks - Cost: 15K|Path A221]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[c.png][Path A222]][[Order the archived image and schedule a new capture to happen within the next two weeks\n- Cost: 20K|Path A222]]</div><<endif>>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>\n\n
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img width="300" height="300" src="pathA1111a.jpg" style="float: none"> <img width="300" height="300" src="pathA1111b.jpg" style="float: none">\n<img src="pathA1111c.jpg" style="float: none">\n\nAfter perfoming rigorous radiometric and atmospheric corrections on your data, you perform a basic image differencing operation to determine areas where the pixel values changed between the two dates.\n\nIn particular, you are looking for areas where the pixels have become brighter, which might indicate a loss of coral pigment, or incidents of bleaching.\n\nYou are also able to use your field observations to perform an accuracy assessment on your change detection.\n\n<img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[ok.png][Path A1111111]][[Continue ...|Path A1111111]]\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
Undo: off
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<set $spent += 15>>\n<<set $help = "field">>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage fl" src="pathA221.jpg">The cost of this imagery means that it is unlikely that you will be able to undertake any fieldwork, so you decide to work particularly hard on the image processing.\n\nYou are lucky in that the image is captured almost immediately, so you can get to work right away.\n\nYou undertake some rigorous radiometeric and atmospheric corrections, as well as removing the effects of sunglint from the water’s surface. However without any field data, the imagery is challenging to interpret.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="left: 155px;">[img[a.png][Path A2211]][[Call your boss and ask for some assistance ...|Path A2211]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A2212]][[Continue undertaking manual interpretation as you think that you know reef environments pretty well ...|Path A2212]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<if $hasImagery eq "false">>\n<<set $spent += 5>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>You separate your field observations into two random groups that you will use for calibration and validation of your mapping product. After undertaking rigourous radiometric and atmospheric corrections, you then use your calibration data to select training sites to perform a supervised classification. Your validation samples are then used to test the accuracy of your classification.\n\n<img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="position: relative; left:0px">[img[ok.png][Path B122121]][[Continue ...|Path B122121]]\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>\n
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<set $spent += 20>>\n<<endnobr>>\n<<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>Your boss receives the invoice for the non-approved data acquisition and is not very happy.\n\n<<print $name>>, you have over spent on the budget for this project. You are told to revisit your induction training manuals relating to correct financial and budgeting procedures and are put on probation.\n\nTHE END.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[ok.png][Start]][[\nRestart|Start]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>>Your boss is accepting of your apology, and suggests that you reconsider the choice that you made.\n\nYou return to work determined to complete the project to the best of your ability.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A]][[You call your local image data provider for advice on image pricing and availability.|Path A]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path B]][[You request a follow up meeting with your boss to get further details as soon as she is available.|Path B]]</div>\n\n<img class="mainImage" src="pathC1.jpg" style="float: none">\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<set $spent += 5>>\n<<set $hasImagery = "true">>\n<<set $help="field">>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>You undertake some rigorous radiometeric and atmospheric corrections, as well as removing the effects of sunglint from the water’s survface.\n\nHowever without any field data, the imagery is challenging to interpret.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A2211]]\n[[Call your boss and ask for some assistance ...|Path A2211]]\n</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A2212]][[Continue undertaking manual interpretation as you think that you know reef environments pretty well ...|Path A2212]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[c.png][Path B1]][[You would like to check out your options regarding field data collection ...|Path B1]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><img src="x.png">\n\nYour boss suggests that this is probably not the right workplace for you <<print $name>>.\n\nTHE END.\n\n[img[ok.png][Start]][[\nRestart|Start]]\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>Your boss recommends...\n\n<<nobr>><<if $help eq "field">>\n<div><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="position: relative; left:0px">[img[ok.png][Path A221221]][[Doing some field work.|Path A221221]]</div><<endif>>\n<<if $help eq "spatial">>\n<div><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="position: relative; left:0px">[img[ok.png][Path A221222]][[Exploring your spatial location options.|Path A221222]]</div>\n<<endif>><<endnobr>>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>\n\n
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage fr" src="pathB122121.jpg" style="float: right; margin-left: 10px">Your boss is extremely impressed with your dedication to the job and is happy with your preliminary findings.\n\nShe congratulates you on your hard work and makes some suggestions for alternative ways to undertake the study.\n\nYour findings suggest that there could be options to continue this work in the future.\n\nWell done <<print $name>>!\n\nThank you for reading our remote sensing fable. We hope that you enjoyed it!\n\nPlease take the time to provide us with some valuable <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1G3-Q2KzBfn9aFcLqUfO4zCU6z9PKI7iC6p_ySGxRax8/viewform" style="color:#00FFFF; text-decoration:underline;">feedback</a>.\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage" src="GOODJOB.png" style="float: none;">\n\nYour boss is impressed with your dedication to the job and is happy with your preliminary findings.\n\nShe congratulates you on your hard work and makes some suggestions for alternative ways to undertake the study. Your findings suggest that there could be options to continue this work in the future.\n\nWell done <<print $name>>!\n\nThank you for reading our remote sensing fable. We hope that you enjoyed it!\n\nPlease take the time to provide us with some valuable <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1G3-Q2KzBfn9aFcLqUfO4zCU6z9PKI7iC6p_ySGxRax8/viewform" style="color:#00FFFF; text-decoration:underline;">feedback</a>.\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage" src="pathA1111112.jpg" style="float: none">\n\nBy the next morning when your boss does not receive your report she is not very happy at all.\n\nShe asks you to reconsider your priorities in this role and advises you to seek guidance more frequently during a project.\n\n<<print $name>>, you will be reassigned to a project where you will be more heavily supervised.\n\nTHE END.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[ok.png][Start]][[\nRestart|Start]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>You are now able to overlay the field survey observations of bleached coral with your imagery of changed pixel values.\n\nYou notice in some areas that this works reasonably well, particularly where the bleached colony was very large.\n\nYour accuracy reporting is constrained by the amount of field data that you have chosen to use for validation.\n\nYou have only two days left to meet your deadline for project completion.\n\n<img class="mainImage" src="pathA11111.jpg" style="float: none">\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A111111]][[At the last minute, you decide that the report can wait, and that you really need to go and collect some additional field data ...|Path A111111]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A1111111]][[You decide that you will spend your remaining time finalising your report ...|Path A1111111]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>You consider that you will just work with your spectral library to start with, and this will allow you to spend the majority of your budget on image data. You now also have a good idea of the spectral information that will be required, which will inform your image choice.\n\nYou do some testing with your spectral library to resample your spectra to match several common satellite sensors. Now you can determine which wave-lengths are most useful in discriminating between bleached and non-bleached corals.\n\n<<set $hasGPS = "true">><<if $hasSpectral eq "false">><div><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="position: relative; left:0px">[img[ok.png][Path A]][[You call your local image data provider for advice on image pricing and availability ...|Path A]]</div><<endif>><<if $hasSpectral eq "true">><div><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="position: relative; left:0px">[img[ok.png][Path A11111]][[Continue ...|Path A11111]]</div><<endif>>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage" src="pathA121.jpg" style="float: none">\n\nAfter two weeks, there is still no data.\n\nIn fact, Hyperion has little coverage in many areas.\n\n<<print $name>>, your boss is very disappointed with your lack of activity on this priority task and you are put on probation.\n\nTHE END.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[ok.png][Start]][[\nRestart|Start]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage fr" src="pathA2.jpg" style="float: right; margin-left:10px;">You know from your diving experience that many coral colonies may only be on the scale of several meters in diameter.\n\nTherefore, you consider it most important to use high spatial resolution to detect these individual features, even though this will reduce the amount of area that you are able to cover.\n\nKeiko then asks you to consider the wavelengths of light that will be most useful for you to analyse.\n\nIn this, she is specifically asking you to consider the spectral resolution required.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A21]]\n[[Many narrow spectral bands?|Path A21]]\n</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A22]]\n[[Few broad spectral bands?|Path A22]]\n</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>You consider that it is most important to cover a large area of the GBR given that your boss has told you that the bleaching is widespread.\n\nKeiko then asks you to consider the wavelengths of light that will be most useful for you to analyse. \n\nIn this, she is specifically asking you to consider the spectral resolution required.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A12]]\n[[Many narrow spectral bands?|Path A12]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A11]][[Few broad spectral bands?|Path A11]]</div>\n\n\n<img class="mainImage" src="pathA1.jpg" style="float: none">\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage" src="pathB12211.jpg" style="float: none">\n\n<<print $name>>, your boss is highly skeptical of your reef recovery theory and is disappointed that you spent a large amount of money on a field trip without further investigating or requesting assistance. \n\nShe reassigns you to a simpler project. \n\nTHE END.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[ok.png][Start]][[\nRestart|Start]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>She is able to give you the GPS co-ordinates of the bleaching sightings for you to use in further analysis of your imagery. Given that there are not a large number of locations, you decide to just use these for an accuracy assessment of your map. You are now able to run some statistics and better report on the accuracy of your findings.\n\n<img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[[Continue ...|Path B122121]]\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>In the time that you have left, she suggests that you go through some trials using the field spectrometer.\n\nShe directs you to talk to the field technicians and the scientists in charge of the aquaria. After collecting some spectra, you are able to resample them to the wavelengths of your image data set. You then re-run a supervised classification to extract areas where the pixels have a similar spectral response to your samples.\n\nYou note in your report that this only appears to work in very shallow water so you combine it with your original classification in deeper waters.\n\n<div><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="position: relative; left:0px">[img[ok.png][Path A2212211]][[Continue ...|Path A2212211]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage" src="pathB122.jpg" style="float: none">\n\nWhile collecting the spectra in the aquaria is certainly informative, you still believe that it is necessary to do some field validation. You proceed to make your plans to head out to the reef as soon as possible.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path B1221]][[You put in place a plan to do some detailed quadrat based surveys, and choose their locations randomly. -Cost: $10K|Path B1221]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path B12212]][[You plan to do some long ranging transects that rapidly cover large areas of the reef. -Cost: $10K|Path B12212]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>\n<<set $spent += 10>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage fl" src="pathB1221.jpg">When you get to Heron Reef, you attempt to visit the locations that you have randomly selected to assess the extent of bleaching. However you notice that none of your selected sites have been affected by the bleaching at all.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="left: 135px;">[img[a.png][Path B12211]][[You conclude that your sites were a representative sample of the reef and therefore the corals must have recovered. You decide that this is a great outcome for the reef and return home to report your findings to your boss ...|Path B12211]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path B12212]][[You conclude that another form of sampling may be required to detect the bleaching, and change your methodology to include long range transects instead ... |Path B12212]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
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<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>Keiko points you to the USGS website, where you can download freely available Hyperion data, however, when you search the archive you find there is no data available for Heron or One Tree Reefs.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A121]][[Knowing that Hyperion has an overpass frequency of 16 days, you decide to try your luck and wait a week for an image to be captured ...|Path A121]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A1]][[Although disappointed, you decide that you need to review your image data options ...|Path A1]]</div>\n\n<img class="mainImage" src="pathA12.jpg" style="float: none">\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage" src="heron-OTI.jpg" style="float: none">\n\nKeiko points you to the USGS website, where you can download freely available Landsat data. You search the repository and there are numerous images of the reef that you might be able to use, dating back to the 1980s.\n\nThere was a cloud free image captured last month that will be perfect.\n\nYou remember from your studies that Landsat captures imagery every 16 days, so there should be another acquisition any day. In the meantime, you download the image that is already available and then wait for the new image. An image is captured two days later, but unfortunately the statistics show a high percentage of cloud cover.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A111]]\n[[You really want to use the data, so you decide to download the image anyway ...|Path A111]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A112]][[You are concerned that the image from last month won’t show the bleaching, so you decide to wait for a subsequent acquisition ...|Path A112]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img class="fl" src="c.png">[[You are concerned that the image from last month won’t show the bleaching, so you decide to review your image data options ...|Path A113]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img width="300" height="300" src="pathA1111a.jpg" style="float: none"> <img width="300" height="300" src="pathA1111b.jpg" style="float: none">\n<img src="pathA1111c.jpg" style="float: none">\n\nAfter perfoming rigorous radiometric and atmospheric corrections on your data, you perform a basic image differencing operation to determine areas where the pixel values changed between the two dates.\n\nIn particular, you are looking for areas where the pixels have become brighter, which might indicate a loss of coral pigment, or incidents of bleaching.\n\nHowever your results are inconclusive, and it’s difficult to determine the real change from false positives.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A]][[You decide to have another look at your image data options to see if there is something that might assist you more ...|Path A]]</div>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $hasGPS eq "true">>\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A11111]][[Use GPS locations ...|Path A11111]]</div>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $hasGPS eq "false">>\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path B1]][[You decide that you will have to go and collect some field data ...|Path B1]]</div>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>As you commence your planning for field data collection, your time is running low for submission. Your boss calls you aside and asks to see where you are at with the report.\n\nUnfortunately you have only some rough notes drafted, as you have spent the marjority of your time over the past two days focussing on field work.\n\nShe is very disappointed, and stresses to you the importance of meeting deadlines, and adequately managing your time.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A1111111]][[Your job is importnat to you, so you work all night to pull together your findings into a report to have on her desk first thing in the morning ...|Path A1111111]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A1111112]][[You decide that it’s too late to finish the project report to please your boss by the end of the day, so you leave work and go to the pub instead ...|Path A1111112]]</div>\n\n<img class="mainImage" src="pathA111111.jpg">\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<set $spent += 80>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage" src="pathA211.jpg" style="float: none">\n\nYour boss receives the invoice for the non-approved data acquisition and is not very happy.\n\n<<print $name>>, you have completely blown the budget for this project. You are told to revisit your induction training manuals relating to correct financial and budgeting procedures and are put on probation.\n\nTHE END.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[ok.png][Start]][[\nRestart|Start]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<set $beenField = "true">>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>The rapid survey transects allow you to cover large areas of the reef very quickly, and you soon uncover various bleached coral colonies. You also take many photos of both bleached and non-bleached corals, taking care to make detailed notes of their locations, size, depth, and type of coral. You are able to create a map of your field obsevations for further analysis.\n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $hasImagery eq "true">>\n<img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="position: relative; left:0px">[img[ok.png][Path A223]][[Continue ...|Path A223]]\n<<endif>>\n<<if $hasImagery eq "false">><<set $hasGPS = "true">>\n<img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="position: relative; left:0px">[img[ok.png][Path A]][[Now that you have sufficient field data, you decide that it’s time to look at image acquisition. You return home and call your local image provider ...|Path A]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage" src="pathA22121.jpg" style="float: none">\n\nYour boss notices your absence as she passes your desk that afternoon, and she is very surprised as she expected that you would be extremely busy with your project.\n\nUnfortunately for you, <<print $name>>, she does not follow this up immediately. She is then required to travel for work and neglects to check up on you. You still submit your report on time, though you were very lazy throughout the week. Your boss is not impressed with the lack of accuracy assessment or general substance in your report.\n\nShe recognises that she should have provided more guidance to you, though had hoped that you would have been more responsible and independent. She reassigns you to a project that requires less self-management.\n\nTHE END.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[ok.png][Start]][[\nRestart|Start]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage" src="pathA22122.jpg" style="float: none">\n\nYour boss appreciates that you have sought feed-back, particularly ahead of time, however, she is not overly impressed with the lack of accuracy assessment or general substance in your report.\n\nShe is nonethless very encouraging, and given that you still have some time before the project needs to be completed so she recommends ... \n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $help eq "field">>\n<div><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="position: relative; left:0px">[img[ok.png][Path A221221]][[Doing some field work.|Path A221221]]</div>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $help eq "spatial">>\n<div><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="position: relative; left:0px">[img[ok.png][Path A221222]][[Exploring your spatial location options.|Path A221222]]</div>\n<<endif>>\n<<endnobr>>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage fl" src="pathB1.jpg">You first go to visit the GBRMPA field technicians to get a better understanding of the field equipment that is available to you.\n\nYou discover that they have a range of different survey tools including GPS, quadrats, and tape measures, as well as underwater cameras and an underwater field spectrometer. \n\n<<nobr>><<if $hasSpectral eq "false">>BUT ... while the survey equipment is availble for the next three weeks, the spectrometer is only available for the next three days.<<endif>><<endnobr>>\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $hasSpectral eq "true">>\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="left: 110px;">[[You decide to check out just the GPS and other survey equipment|Path B11]]</div>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $hasSpectral eq "false">>\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" style="left: 110px;">[img[a.png][Path B11]][[You decide to check out just the GPS and other survey equipment.|Path B11]]</div><<endif>><<endnobr>>\n<<nobr>><<if $hasSpectral eq "false">>\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path B12]][[In addition to the GPS and other survey equipment, you decide that you might be able to do something with the field spectrometer, so you check it out anyway.|Path B12]]</div>\n<<endif>>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>\n<<endnobr>>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>You re-consider which is more important to you -\n \n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A1]]\n[[Large area coverage?|Path A1]]\n</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path A2]]\n[[High spatial detail?|Path A2]]\n</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>><img class="mainImage" src="cloudy-landsat.jpg" style="float: none">\n\nAfter another sixteen days, Landsat returns yet another cloud covered image.\n\n<<print $name>>, your boss is very disappointed with your lack of activity on this priority task and you are put on probation.\n\nTHE END.\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[ok.png][Start]][[\nRestart|Start]]</div>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<set $hasImagery = "true">>\n<<endnobr>><<if $showBudget eq "true">><div id="budget">Budget: $<<print $budget-$spent>>K</div><<endif>>With excitement you realise that while the scene does indeed have a very high portion of cloud cover, your area of interest over Heron and One Tree Reefs is miraculously clear!\n\nYou now have an image from before the bleaching event, as well as one that should include some bleaching.\n\n<img class="mainImage" src="cap-bunker1.jpg" style="float: none">\n\n<<nobr>>\n<<if $hasGPS eq "false">><div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A1111]]\n[[You plan to proceed from here directly to image processing ...|Path A1111]]</div><<endif>><<endnobr>><<nobr>>\n<<if $hasGPS eq "true">><div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[ok.png][Path A1111rev]]\n[[You plan to proceed from here directly to image processing ...|Path A1111rev]]</div><<endif>><<endnobr>>\n\n\n<<if $hasGPS eq "false">><div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path B1]][[Now that you have your image options sorted,\nyou’d like to collect some field data ...|Path B1]]</div><<endif>>\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){\n (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),\n m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)\n })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga');\n\n ga('create', 'UA-48131508-4', 'cdu.edu.au');\n ga('send', 'pageview');
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><img class="mainImage" src="intro3.jpg" style="float: none"><img class="mainImage2" src="intro3SML.jpg" style="float: none">\n\nBut ... you are certainly going to be very busy!\n\nYour boss, the head of the spatial sciences group at GBRMPA, came to you this morning requiring some urgent advice.\n\nStaff from a research cruise in the southern Great Barrier Reef returned to work this week after reporting large numbers of <div id="bleached">What is coral bleaching?\n\nMany types of coral have a special symbiotic relationship with a tiny marine algae (zooxanthallae) that live inside corals' tissue and are very efficient food producers that provide up to 90 per cent of the energy corals require to grow and reproduce.\n\nCoral bleaching occurs when the relationship between the coral host and zooxanthallae, which give coral much of their colour, breaks down. Without the zooxanthallae, the tissue of the coral animal appears transparent and the coral's bright white skeleton is revealed.</div><a id="bleachedHover" onmouseover="bleached()" onmouseout="hideBleached()" style="cursor: help; color: yellow; border-bottom: 1px dashed yellow;">bleached corals</a> on their journey.\n\nSimilar reports have also been flowing in from local research stations on Heron Island and One Tree Island.\n\nYour boss has asked you if remote sensing could be used to investigate the extent of the bleaching. She then races away to her next meeting.\n\n<img id="arrow" src="arrow.png"> [[Continue ...|Intro 4]]\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $name to prompt("What's your name?","Bob")>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>><img class="mainImage fl" style="width:auto;" src="intro2.jpg"><div class="break"></div><div class="break"></div>\n<div class="break"></div><<if $name eq 0>><<set $name = "Bob">><<endif>>\n\nCongratulations <<print $name>>!\n\nYou have recently been appointed as the remote sensing scientist for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA). \n\nYou’ve always been interested in the marine environment leading you to study marine science at university, where you also started to learn about remote sensing.\n\nYour growing interest in earth observation is now paired with your love of the reef in this great new job.\n\n<div class="break"></div>\n<img id="arrow" src="arrow.png"> [[Continue ...|Intro 3]]\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>
<<nobr>>\n<<set $clicks += 1>>\n<<set $paths.push(passage())>>\n<<endnobr>>What is you next move?\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)"><img id="movableArrow" src="arrow.png" >[img[a.png][Path A]][[You consider that it is most important to start to determine your remote sensing data options, so you call your local image data provider for advice on image pricing and availability ...|Path A]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[b.png][Path B]][[You chase after your boss to request a follow up meeting in order to get further details as soon as she is available ...|Path B]]</div>\n\n<div onmouseover="mouseOverA(this)">[img[c.png][Path C]][[You consider that this would be a perfect opportunity to go diving throughout the GBR, so you immediately book the first available Liveaboard cruise and go home to pack ...|Path C]]</div>\n\n<img class="mainImage sl" src="intro4.jpg" style="float: none">\n<<set ga('send', 'event', 'passage', 'loaded', passage()); >>