Database concepts

Oracle links

Running an SQL statement

Using SQL Developer

Run your first command

A sample invoice database has already been loaded into your accounts.

The first SQL command we will run, finds all the customers in the database.

The SQL is:
FROM Customer

To run this command:

  1. Type the command in (on one or two lines, using upper or lower case)
  2. Click the Run button
  3. Enlarge the results screen to see the output

To run the command, type the command into the "Enter SQL statement" field. Click the run button. You can enlarge the results screen to see the output more clearly.

Run your second command

Now find all the items in the ITEM table

To run this command:

  1. Type in the SQL command on the next line (no need to delete SELECT * FROM Customer)
  2. Highlight the command
  3. Click the Run button

If you got an error message

  • Check your spelling!
  • Ensure that the command you want to run is highlighted
    (Once there is more than one command, you need to specify which command you wish to run)