Resources 4 Module: Recognition
Web resources

Altman, J. 2000, "The Marketing of Aboriginal Art," in The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art & Culture, (eds.), S, Kleinert & M. Neale, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 461-466

Reading 4.6

Anderson, C. 1990, "Australian Aborigines and Museums: A New Relationship," Curator, 33:3, pp. 165-179

Reading 4.2

Benjamin, R. 1999, "Aboriginal Art: Exploitation or Empowerment?," in What is Appropriation?: An Anthology of Critical Writings on Australian Art in the ‘80s and ‘90s, (ed.) Rex Butler, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, pp. 211-216

Reading 4.5

Benjamin, R. 2000, "The Brush with Words: Criticism and Aboriginal Art," in The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture, (eds.), S. Kleinert & M. Neale, Melbourne, Oxford University Press, pp. 466-470


Foley, F. 2000, "The Natives are Restless," in The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture, (eds.), S. Kleinert and M. Neale, Oxford University Press, Melbourne pp. 493-496

Reading 5.2

Gray, S. "Aboriginal Designs and Copyright: Can Australian Copyright Law Expand to Meet Aboriginal Demands?" Copyright Reporter; Journal of the Copyright Society of Australia, Dec. 1991, 9:4, pp. 8-20


Johnson, V. 1996, Copyrites: Aboriginal Art in the Age of Reproductive Technologies, NIAAA and Macquarie University, Sydney, pp. 3-9

Reading 4.3

Jones, P. 1988, "Perceptions of Aboriginal Art: A History," in Dreamings: the Art of Aboriginal Australia, (ed.), Peter Sutton, Viking Penguin Books, Australia, pp. 143-179

Reading 4.1

Morphy, H. 1998, Aboriginal Art, Phaidon, London, pp. 11-40, pp. 282-337, p. 372, p. 375, pp. 371-380, pp. 413-420

Set Text

West, M. 2000, "Eye of the Storm: The Kathleen Petyarre Case," in Transitions: 17 Years of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin, pp. 39-45

Reading 4.4

Yunupingu, M. "A Balance in Knowledge: Respecting Difference", in The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture, (eds.). S. Kleinert and M. Neale, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 498-499

Reading 5.1
Web Resources      

Aboriginal Art Online: Art and Artists: Traditional Aboriginal Art: Bark Painting Early History

Aboriginal Art Online: Galleries: Scroll to map and click on Papunya under Central Desert (for examples of dot paintings from the region)

ANKAAA Association of Northern Kimberley and Arnhem Aboriginal Artists
ATMA - Aboriginal Tourism Marketing Assoc.
(for example of attempts at culturally aware marketing)

Australian Museum Online: Research and Collections: Aboriginal Heritage Unit: Keeping Culture (for information about Keeping Places)

Australian Museum Online: Search for 'Keeping places' (for Australian Museum Aboriginal Museum Outreach Program)

Desart The Association of Central Australian Aboriginal Art and Craft Centres
Ernabella Arts: Community Art Gallery selling Aboriginal Art
Garma Festival NT
Hermannsburg potters (for history of community and examples of work)
House of Aboriginality (for information on the commercial exploitation of Aboriginal art.)
Maruku Arts: Gallery selling Aboriginal craft online

Monash University: search for Tillers (for illustration of The Nine Shots by Imants Tillers)

Museum Victoria: Collections and Research: Indigenous Cultures : Collections (for essay 'The Early Collection and Exhibition of Art Work by Aboriginal Artists')

National Gallery of Australia: Search for 'World of Dreamings': World of Dreamings Russian English: English (for World of Dreamings)

NT Department of Community Development, Sport and Cultural Affairs: Arts and Museums: Arts N.T: Artifacts Magazine : Sept 1998 p9 of 16 (for Kathleen Petyarre's work Storm in Atnangkere Country II)

Sotheby's: Auction house for art: Services and Information: About Sotheby – press releases: scroll to bottom and keyword search ‘Aboriginal' (for press releases about the sale of Aboriginal art)

South Australian Museum Online: Speaking Land: Western Desert Art (for image of Five Dreamings by Michael Nelson Tjakamarra)

Yothu Yindi - Aboriginal band

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