Resources 1 Module: Aboriginality
Web resources

Anderson, B. 1983, Rev. Edition 2002, Imagined Communities, Verso Press, London, pp. 1-7


Burton, A. 2003, "Winner Blasts Art Whitewash", Northern Territory News, 15 August 2003

Reading 1.5

Butler, R. & Thomas, M. 2003, "'I am not Sorry': Richard Bell Out of Context," Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, 4:1, pp. 29-40


Gelder, K. & Jacobs, J. 1998, Uncanny Australia: Sacredness and Identity in a Postcolonial Nation, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Victoria, pp. 1-22


Langton, M. 1993, "Well I Heard it on the Radio and I saw it on the Television....", Australian Film and Television Commission, Sydney, pp. 32-43

Reading 1.4

Langton, M. 2000, "Homeland: Sacred Visions and the Settler State", Artlink, Vol.20, No.4, pp. 11-14, 16

Reading 1.2

Maughan, J. 2000, "Polemic: From the 21st Century and Through the Telescope", Artlink, Vol. 20, No 4. pp. 4-5

Reading 1.1

McCulloch, S. 2003, "Painting With Punch Takes Black Art Prize", Weekend Australian, 16-17 August 2003

Reading 1.6

Morphy, H. 1998, Aboriginal Art, Phaidon, London, Intro, pp. 4-10, 67-100, 319-368, 371-377

Set Text

Morton, J. 2000, "Contemporary Aboriginal Religion", in The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture, (eds.) S. Kleinert & M. Neale, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 9-16

Reading 1.8

Muecke, S. 1992, "Available Discourses on Aborigines", in Textual Spaces: Aboriginality and Cultural Studies, NSW University Press, South Kensington, NSW, pp. 19-35

Reading 1.3

Rose, D. R. 2000, "The Power of Place", in The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture, (eds.), S. Kleinert and M. Neale, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 40-45, 48-49

Reading 1.9

Sheridan, S. 1988, "Wives and Mothers like Ourselves, Poor Remnants of a Dying Race: Aborigines in Colonial Women’s Writing", in (ed.), A. Rutherford Aboriginal Culture Today, Kunapipi, Vol. 10: 1 & 2, pp. 76-91


Stanner, W.E.H. 1979, White Man Got No Dreaming, Australian National University, Canberra, pp. 23-40


White, C. 2003, "It’s Certainly Not Art", Letters to the Editor, Northern Territory News, 8 September 2003

Reading 1.7
Web Resources      

Aboriginal Art Online: Regions and Communities (for map of the main regions and communities where Aboriginal artists are located)

ANKAAA (for links to Aboriginal owned and operated Art Centres in the Top End of the Northern Territory, north of Western Australia and throughout Central Australia)
ANTar – Australians for Native Title and Recognition: Sea of Hands
Australian Museum Online: Features: Indigenous Australians: Enter: Background Info: The Land (for information about terra nullius)
Cairns Regional Gallery: Collection (for link to Ilan Pasin under Cairns Regional Gallery text and illustration of Ellen Jose’s installation 059.JPEG)
Desart Inc. – The Association of Central Australian Aboriginal Art and Craft Centres: Art Centres (for links to Papunya Tula, Hermannsburg Potters, Tjanpi weaving and others)
Melbourne, Australia – Visit Melbourne: Search for ‘Aboriginal Heritage’ (for Aboriginal Heritage in Melbourne)
National Gallery of Australia - Federation Exhibition: Browse for artists under Campbell (for illustration of the Aboriginal Embassy by Robert Campbell Jnr )
Northern Editions Gallery, CDU: Visit their online gallery.
NT Arts and Museums: link to 20th Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards (for illustration of Richard Bell’s work Scientia E Metaphysica)
Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery: link to artists (for Fiona Foley, Tracey Moffat and Destiny Deacon).
Sherman Galleries: list of artists and exhibitions (for Gordon Bennett)

Queensland Art Gallery: link to Exhibitions: Online: Scroll down until Old Fashioned Dance - The Art of Ken Thaiday (for an illustration of Ken Thaiday’s dance machine)

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